Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Path to Self - Realisation

Path to Self - realisation is different and distinct one and leads us close to the Nature and Creation. It can only be achieved through purity of heart and self less service to all ... encompassing all ... humans ... animals ... plants ... animate ... inanimate ...

The Sufi cult of Islam is akin to Mysticism or Aryan Vedantism of  Hindus. In Greek, Sufi is one who is enlightened.

Sufis feel and believe that  -

- God exists in all and all exist in God.
- Religion is only a way of life; it does not necessarily lead to Nirvana.
- All happenings take place as per the will of God; nothing happens if He does not  ordain it.
- The soul is distinct from the physical body and will merge into Divine Reality  according to a person's deeds.
- It is the Guru whose grace shows the way and leads to union with God.


"Jaise til mein tael hai, jyon chakmak mein aag
tera saayeen tujhe mein hai, tu jaag sake toh jaag.

Saayeen itna deejiye, jahan mein jag samaye
mein bhi na bhuka rahoon, sadhu bhi na bhuka jaye."

- Sant Kabir

On the same plane, Bulleh Shah's search for truth led him to the spiritual path. And it is when he started enjoying the beauty of truth that his emotional exuberance drove him to Sufism : singing, dancing and finding expression in verse.

Why must I go to Kaaba
When longs my heart for Takht Hazara?
People pay their homage to Kaaba,
I bow before my Dhido Ranjha.


Says Bulleh, arriving at God's house,
He asked our account.
Rejecting the pandit and the priest,
He approved the mentally unsound.

Below is the double dose of ecstasy and trance - Abida Parveen singing Bulleh Shah ...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bulleh Ki Jaana Mein Kaun?

I know not who I am.

I am neither a believer going to the mosque,
Nor given to non-believing ways.
Neither clean nor unclean.
Neither Moses nor Pharaoh.
I know not who I am.

I am neither among sinners nor among saints;
Neither happy nor unhappy.
I belong neither to water nor to earth.
I am neither fire nor air.
I know not who I am.

Neither do I know the secret of religion,
Nor am I born of Adam or Eve.
I have given myself no name.
I belong neither to those who squat and pray,
Nor to those who have gone astray.
I know not who I am.

I was in the beginning, I'd be there in the end.
I know not any one other than the One.
Who could be wiser than Bulleh Shah
Whose Master is ever there to tend?

I know not who I am.

- Translation by  S.Kartar Singh Duggal
   (in Sain Bulleh Shah - The Mystic Muse)

--I salute Thee ...O...Bulleh...Shah...

Bulleh Shah's search for truth led him to the spiritual path--Sufism: singing, dancing and finding expression in verse.

I am emancipated, emancipated I am,
I am no prisoner of being born a Syed,
All the fourteen heavens are my territory,
I am slave to none.

Denouncing worldly bookish knowledge, Bulleh Shah sang-

Enough of learning, my friend
For it is no end.
An alphabet would do for me,
No one knows when one's life would end.